Never Tell Me the Odds.....
We no longer live in our parents neatly defined geopolitical world. The map makers of the 20th Century (Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States) no longer are the Masters of the Universe. Look at what is happening with Syria and Iraq: political boundaries are disintegrating before our eyes as the Old World Order undergoes a volcanic upheaval. Sectarian interests are shredding the world map. So how do we navigate these seismic fluctuations. First, we need to understand that the current political breakdown as we know it is changing. Many of the established political boundaries are colonial fabrications that did not take into account tribal, religious, or historical territory realities "on the ground." As an example, the Sykes - Picot agreement divvied up the Ottoman Empire after World War I creating French and English spheres of influence in the Middle East to the detriment of Arab self-determination. Puppet leaders were installed to ensure the continuat...