Time for societal re-engagement

American social fabrics is fraying at the seams. Bucketheads and interest groups dominate the political landscape, pandering to the extreme wings of the political spectrum and driving a wedge through American society. Race, religious affiliations, gender, and sexual orientation are exploited by these bucketheads as they spew their venom in extremist echo chambers. 

And even though this social fabric is eroding, there is a movement to expand the social safety net encompassing more of the American purse. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, subsidies to special interest groups, and now Obamacare, are entrenched as generous gifts to Americans. There is a lot of anger in portions of American society because it is seen that these programs benefit freeloaders who are drain on society.

So let's blunt the criticism of the bucketheads. What we need is an American compact that ensures that the general public has more "skin in the game" in receipt of safety net benefits. Several ways to build a shared social compact are:

1. Compulsatory national serviceAll American teenagers, after completing high school, would be required to complete mandatory three/fours years of national service. This mandatory service would include various public sectors - military, EMS/firefighting, health care, education to name a few. Each person would be allowed a a single four year deferment to obtain an undergraduate degree but in four years they would be required to start their mandatory service requirement.

2. Reinstate the draft. At the age of 18 ALL persons (both men and women) would be required to register for the draft. Only an approved medical condition would be a reason to not be drafted into the military. When a person is drafted, they would not be able to defer military service. Assignments would be determined by the needs of the services, not political or social influences. 

3. Transformation of the military. Our military is segregated from the rest of society. Those who serve are seen as a necessary evil to be hidden until needed and then put back into the closet and forgotten until the next crisis (or at least that is way I see it). A way to further ingrain the military throughout society is to transform the force structure of the military, so Active Duty, Reserves, and the National Guard would all be critical components to any future military operations. The combat arms branches would be predominantly in the Active Component and the Reserves and National Guard would have the majority of combat support and combat service support branches.

Implementation of shared national service and reinstatement of the draft will have a positive impact in stitching together the American societal fabric. Yet, bucketheads will continue to exploit political differences and generate the ire of their bases. So let's dampen the collective shrill of extremism and fix our political system. The general public is becoming more and more disenchanted with our political leadership. The needs and concerns of the majority are being shouted down by a vocal partisan minority, egged on by the bucketheads. It is time for a change in the political process and give the majority back their voice to moderate the partisan propaganda. For the record, I know that election laws and regulations, and election process are a State and local issue and I am in no way advocating a Federal takeover of elections.

4. Non-partisan re-districting political boundariesGerrymandering of Congressional boundaries have enabled politicians to become tone deaf to everyone except their base. We have a system that awards extremism instead of looking at an efficient and effective government. Instead of the current system used in most States, a non-partisan panel should re-draw the political boundaries every ten years. Boundaries should be solely determined strictly by population without any special considerations. This allows for greater diversity in political districts and potentially candidates who would need to develop positions that span a greater span on the political spectrum, and negates the impact of extreme views of both political parties.

5. Elimination of the current election primary system.  Another election cycle criteria that further exacerbates political upheaval is how primaries are conducted. States and local boards of elections should look to open up primaries past a continuation of the two party system. Open competition often highlights or brings out the best in competitors. Right now we are systemically beholden to two parties. The candidates we have seen over the last 20 years or so, have not been the best of the political set but instead those coronated by political hacks and bucketheads. Instead of elections that stimulate real genuine debate and provides all of us with best candidates possible, we get the stupid sound bites and politicians who are good at pontificating, fundraising, and pushing ideological purity instead of governing, leading, and tackling the pressing issues of our time.

Specific options to destroy the two party power stranglehold are: 1) provide all political parties open access to place their candidates on the ballot; and 2) open all primaries to any registered voters. I know both options will be vilified by party hacks but is the continued bifurcation of American society worth saving a political system that is dominated by extremist political bases?

There is no simple solution for what ails us. But there needs to be an open and honest discussion, not lead by politicians or bucketheads, but the American people on how we can come together for a shared sense of purpose. I have laid out some ideas but they are just random thoughts of one man. But it is a starting point for a debate. 
