Time for societal re-engagement
American social fabrics is fraying at the seams. Bucketheads and interest groups dominate the political landscape, pandering to the extreme wings of the political spectrum and driving a wedge through American society. Race, religious affiliations, gender, and sexual orientation are exploited by these bucketheads as they spew their venom in extremist echo chambers. And even though this social fabric is eroding, there is a movement to expand the social safety net encompassing more of the American purse. Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, subsidies to special interest groups, and now Obamacare, are entrenched as generous gifts to Americans. There is a lot of anger in portions of American society because it is seen that these programs benefit freeloaders who are drain on society. So let's blunt the criticism of the bucketheads. What we need is an American compact that ensures that the general public has more...